Our Mission:
Playocracy Inc. is the authority on play and recess at a grassroots level.
We understand how to foster and organically cultivate the four domains of child development through play.
We work closely with all levels of an organization to ensure that everyone has a voice and is valued. We see collaboration as the energy that allows us to demonstrate that Play has so much to teach beyond the games played on a playground.
What does Playocracy mean?
Play, by definition, is something that is intrinsic to us. We are meant to play...naturally. Our need to play is housed in the most ancient region of our brain along with eating and sleeping - our basic requirements for survival. We are born to PLAY!
Democracy is defined as the practice or spirit of social equality; we are free to choose. We practice good social skills in order to live and play in harmony with others. We are born to PLAY with others!
Play + Democracy = Playocracy